Hals-, Nasen-, Ohren-Universitätsklinik

Our department guarantees innovative and practice-oriented education. We teach according to the biopsychosocial model, which focuses on all aspects of the human being, whose problems arise within a specific environment.



Our educational activities

Detailed information on our educational activities can be found on the websites of our divisions.



Students from Austria

Rotations at University Hospital Graz by students enrolled at an university in Austria are organized in coordination with the head of the department.


Students from abroad

Rotations at University Hospital Graz by international students (home university abroad) are only possible as part of a mobility program (e.g., Erasmus+). All requests must go through the Med Uni Graz International Office. At peripheral KAGes hospitals, rotations can be organized directly by students. If a Med Uni Graz confirmation is required, students must fulfill the requirements of the mobility program and register in the Med Uni Graz International Office before the stay starts.